Weathering and its effect on the statues of the path of the gods between the temples of Karnak and Luxor (The Road of Rams) Methods of treatment and maintenance

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Archeology and Ancient Buildings Restoration - Faculty of Archeology, Sohag University

2 Professor of Inorganic Archeology Restoration, Faculty of Archeology, Cairo University

3 Antiquities restoration specialist, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities


Weathering means the process of cracking, smashing, fragmentation 
and dissolution of rocks and minerals by means of physical and 
chemical action while they are in their positions on the surface of the 
earth without moving them (1). And the chemical that has arisen in the 
place, and weathering may cause a kind of limited displacement of the 
weathered fragments, because the changes in rocky materials are 
subjected to changes in their sizes, such as crystal growth, buckling, 
washing and swelling…..etc, leads to the occurrence of individual 
processes for each rock component (2) Therefore, several steps were 
taken to save the sphinxes from the impact of weathering of all kinds 
that surround the statues. 
