Some Remarks on the Significances of Elimination the Manifestations of Chaos and Symbols of Evil in the Scenes of the Greek and Roman Periods

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the department of Egyptology, Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University


This study focuses and examines The views of the Greco-Roman 
Periods touched on many of the connotations associated with the 
extermination of chaos and the elimination of symbols of evil, 
which were mainly associated with ancient Egyptian beliefs and 
followed they're approach and content religious ideas during the 
Greco-Roman Periods, There is no doubt that there is a need to 
eliminate chaos and symbols of evil because it disrupts the cosmic 
cycle that the Creator god has approved since the beginning of the 
creation of the universe sp- tpy. For example, the Apophis snake 
is a symbol of evil, non-existence, and nothingness, as well as 
other entities and creatures, such as tortoises, crocodiles, and 
hippos. If the ritual necessary to restrain and eliminate them is not 
performed, it may be a break for the episodes of the cycle of time 
in the universe, which may bring an end to the organized cosmic 
manifestations of the mAat, This may also be a return to the 
manifestations of eternal chaos that represent manifestations of 
non-existence and nothingness. Thus, the ancient Egyptian was 
keen and able to perform rituals in order to fight these evil 
anarchist entities, which are symbols of evil.
