Two New Nabataean inscriptions from Wadi Lihyan in southern Sinai

Document Type : Original Article


Senior Archaeologist- Tell-Basta


Wadi Lihyan is located in southern Sinai, about 35 km from 
Serabit el-Khadim. It is accessed through Wadi al-Nasb through 
a winding and spiral road that passes through the areas of 
quarries and mines of the Manganese Company. Wadi Lihyan is 
a wide and spacious valley characterized by a large number of 
Nabataean inscriptions, in addition to a lot of Rock arts.
In November 2016, I was invited to participate in the training 
course “Archaeological Survey and Desert Survival Skills” at 
Sarabit El-Khadem Training Center, under supervision Mr. 
Mustafa Nour El-Din, who told me that there is a rock with 
Nabataean inscriptions in Wadi Lihyan. On examination, it was 
found that is a small fallen rock contains two Nabataean 
memorial inscriptions. In this paper, the researcher deals with an 
analytical study of these two Nabataean inscriptions. 
