Micro-climate control for paper heritage as a way of preventive conservation in museums

Document Type : Original Article


1 Conservation Specialist, Conservation – Restoration Lab, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt.

2 Head of Coptic Painting Conservation Department at Monasteries and Churches at HaratZuweila, Cairo. Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities


Some of the museum collections are archival materials which include unique 
manuscripts (the 1st primary source of knowledge). They are our invaluable 
documentary heritage of the past that reflect the rich cultural heritage like literature, 
history and medicine…etc. and must be preserved because of being irreplaceable for 
present and future generations.
Manuscripts are very sensitive materials that have to be preserved in a proper
micro-climate showcases. They may rapidly deteriorate if they are put in bad 
conditions and might be lost forever. There are also additional factors rather than 
environmental control must be in consideration when thinking about manuscripts like 
light, security, vibration…etc. 
Micro-climate is simply the condition inside an enclosed space whether in the 
whole museum (large area) or in a showcase (small area). By creating airtight cases 
that regulate the climate in a specific volume around an artifact. It differs in humidity, 
temperature and air cleanliness from the surrounding environment and also 
mechanical stability. It is important in the preservation of irreplaceable priceless 
artifacts to minimize the deterioration. That’s why a controlled micro-climate keeps an 
ideal individual climate in a practical way than adjusting an entire exhibition, room or 
building climate.
